Friday, Mar 14, 2025

Rebellion Coming to Splinterlands

A new expansion set, known as Rebellion, is coming to Splinterlands later this year, bringing with it new cards, new abilities, new Summoner powers, and even a new airdrop system!

Rebellion will be the fifth core expansion for Splinterlands and consist of 96 cards, including two promo cards only available by participating in the pre-sale.

The release of Rebellion will also cause an adjustment in the Leagues. When Rebellion releases, cards from the Untamed edition and its associated mini-edition, Azmure Dice, will no longer be playable in Modern format. Wild format will allow all editions as always. But this will likely cause a major shift in the meta for Modern players!

Rebellion Coming to Splinterlands

Pack Cost and Promo Cards

Rebellion packs will include five cards and cost 5000 Credits or 5000 DEC tokens. Players may also spend VOUCHERS to reduce the cost by 200 tokens, up to a maximum of five VOUCHERS per pack.

500,000 Rebellion packs will be put up for pre-sale on October 18th, 18:00 UTC. The presale remains up for 30 days or until the packs sell out. The top six purchasers during the pre-sale earn the chance to work with the Splinterlands team to design a Legendary Summoner for a future airdrop! In addition, the top 250 spots earn special titles. And everyone who makes even a single pack purchase during the pre-sale has a chance to receive limited edition promo cards!

There are actually two promo cards — the legendary Mantaroth and Grimbardun Smith. Every pack bought has a one percent chance to receive a Mantaroth card, with one guaranteed for every 100 packs purchased, and a gold foil guaranteed for every 2,500 packs purchased. Players receive a Smith for every ten packs, and a gold foil version for every 250 packs. And there is always a chance a regular foil could actually be a gold foil.

The set will officially release on December 5th. The Rebellion sale features a decay timer, reducing the maximum supply if less than 25 thousand packs are sold each day. This guarantees that the set will sell out within a year at most. A total of 9.5 million packs will be available.

Rebellion Coming to Splinterlands

What’s new in Rebellion?

The Rebellion set also includes, not one, not two, but four new card abilities! These are Armored Strike, which makes an extra melee attack with its armor value, Corrosive Ward that damages the armor of attackers and reduces their maximum armor, Flank which gives units behind it the Reach ability, and Lookout, which reduces adjacent units damage from Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity attacks!

Rebellion will also include multi-element Summoners, and introduce Summoner Tactics. Summoner Tactics are special powers that can be used in a battle after the teams have been revealed! This is a special perk that is part of the Summoner’s power, so only the Rebellion Summoners will have this ability for now. The team promises that they are carefully considering the balance of these Summoners and their tactics.

Details about what tactics will be available and mana cost for the Summoners is still in development. Expect to hear more details as we get close to the launch.

Rebellion Coming to Splinterlands
sample screen of Summoner tactics

Airdrops for Rebellion will not be automatic. To be eligible, players will need to stake cards and packs from the Rebellion set. This will occur in monthly intervals over nine months. Odds of receiving the airdrop are based on the power scores of the staked assets (packs are worth 150 power), vs the pool of everyone’s staked assets.

Read the official Rebellion announcement to learn more.

To learn more about Splinterlands, read our game guide. You can also visit their website, follow them on Twitter, and join their Discord server.

The post Rebellion Coming to Splinterlands appeared first on Play to Earn.

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By: Phil Hall
Title: Rebellion Coming to Splinterlands
Sourced From:
Published Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2023 19:22:39 +0000

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