Thursday, Jan 9, 2025

My Neighbor Alice’s Alpha Season 2 Is Now Live!

My Neighbor Alice Alpha Season 2 is now open to play. Players can explore until February 14th, 2023. With new gameplay centered around farming, fishing, and quests, players will have much to do. Additionally, Lummelunda Archipelago landholders will have the option of connecting their parcels to earn rewards.

Season 2 of My Neighbor Alice features new gameplay elements. Credit: My Neighbor Alice.

What New Features Are There?

The My Neighbor Alice Alpha received a few updates that will positively improve gameplay. First, the game is now centered around farming and fishing. Players can earn $DUST for their accomplishments. Next, players will have the ability to connect their Lummelunda Archipelago land. With advanced features for managing the land as a farm, players will have options to tailor their experience toward the adventure they want.

A virutal plot of land by the ocean is pictured with a quest to be claimed.
The Community Quest will help shape the Open World. Credit: My Neighbor Alice.

What Is The New Community Quest?

Another big update coming to the Season 2 of My Neighbor Alice is the Community Quest. As the first Community Quest, participation will allow players to shape their region. Additionally, those who complete the quest will receive a special benefit that will be available in Season 3. The hint is that all progress will be erased at the end of Season 2, except for this thing.

A group of cartoon characters and animated animals stand in front of a windmill on a farm.
The Alpha Season 2 also sees updates to avatars and wardrobes. Credit: My Neighbor Alice.

My Neighbor Alice Alpha Features Updated Avatars?

The final part of the update made by the team is the update to the avatars. My Neighbor Alice Season 2 features updated AVs with a renewed editing mode. Additionally, players will have more options to choose from. That’s because new wearables have been added to the wardrobe.

These are important changes coming in Season 2 of My Neighbor Alice. With gameplay now live and $DUST on the line, the game has a lot going for it. The whole experience should be a smashing success.

The post My Neighbor Alice’s Alpha Season 2 Is Now Live! appeared first on NFT Evening.

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By: Michael Iverson
Title: My Neighbor Alice’s Alpha Season 2 Is Now Live!
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Published Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2022 02:20:03 +0000
